1.1 Overview:
1.2 Registration Process
1.3 Benefits of Participation:
1.4 Rewards for Top Performers:
2.1 Overview
2.2 Participation Criteria:
2.3 Categories of Activities:
The sports event will feature a variety of activities aimed at
testing physical endurance, agility, and strength. The
categories include:
1. Athletics:
(a) Racing Events:
* 200m Race
* 400m Race
(b) Field Events:
Long Jump
High Jump
2. Badminton
3. Snooker (phool)
2.4 Rewards for Top Performers:
3.1 Overview:
3.2 Games in the Tournament:
3.3 Registration Details:
This offers a great incentive for students to engage with esports and provides them with an additional avenue for
3.4 Prizes and Rewards
Comprises multiple-choice questions (MCQs) covering a
range of topics from classes 6th to 10th
Includes General Knowledge, Mathematics & Science of
classes 6th to 10th
* If two students marks collaborates then ranking will be
given by comparing previous year marksheet
* For collaboration between 11th & 12th students 10th
class marksheet will be considered.
* For collaboration between 11th/12th & 10th students
average of scores of best of two subject of 9th class
marksheet will be consider.
Events are organized 2-3 times a year, keeping students
engaged throughout the academic year.
We Organize Gaming Events in Jabalpur.
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